My Point Of View On LOCKDOWN.
First of all I am very thankful to you that you decided to visit my blog. Now, on coming back to our topic, I want to express my point of view on lockdown with the help of this blog.
There are two types of point of views to visualise this lockdown, first is positive point of view and as we all know second is negative point of view. Lets discuss about all positive point of views:
The first and very important positive impact is that because of lockdown there are very less chances to get infected by COVID-19. And this is not just a mith, in the research of Harvard University they had concluded that only because of the decision of 'lockdown', which was taken by Indian government, the number of infected persons are competitively less. Then the second positive impact this lockdown is that the whole which happed in the ozone layer started recovering repeadily after this lockdown.
Now lets go further and discuss about our third positive impact of lockdown which is family members started living together so there are possibilities that bonding between them will become stronger.
Now, it's time to discuss about negative impacts of lockdown, but before discussing about that I do not think that these negative impacts have more importance than that of positive impacts. That is why I also want to suggest you that Stay At home and be safe, help your government in this fight, for this situation I want to say that "we can and we will win."
Again, lets go further and discuss about negative impacts. So, the first negative impact is that because of COVID-19 there is a large impact on economy of the whole world, but we can manage it by just using our humanity or in other words by helping one-another.
There are some roadside animals which are helpless during the time-period of lockdown. But some of people started programs to help that animals. Simply they are trying thier best to provide them foods. For this our government is also helping to all needy animals as well as all needy people.
So, the conclusion of this discussion is that we have to follow all orders coming from our government.
And help others if they need your help. And do not misguide anyone by sending or by forwarding fack newses. Its time to take leave but you can follow my blog to get this types of informative and interesting posts.
At last thanks for reading this post.
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